Search found 12 matches

by ale
14 Jan 2012, 01:03
Forum: CDendro General Discussion
Topic: Removing non-zero rings
Replies: 5
Views: 40539

Re: Removing non-zero rings

Hi, I too would find useful a command to delete a ring from Cdendro, and a way to saving the resultant series - if it's a measurement file - in CooRecorder too. Should it be added to one of its neighbour rings, or just removed? Should there be a way to reinstall it (undo)? How then should we make it...
by ale
13 Jan 2012, 23:22
Forum: Dendrochronology in general
Topic: Correlation between harvest results 1683-1780 and tree ring
Replies: 2
Views: 40802

Re: Correlation between harvest results 1683-1780 and tree r

What an in-cre-di-ble coincidence! Few days later than Taxelson brought to my memory this case, and while I was searching for bibliography about a totally different argument, I found something strictly related to it, if not the original paper I was thinking about… J. Roger Bray 1982, Alpine glacial ...
by ale
11 Jan 2012, 15:05
Forum: Dating reports, measurements, rwl-files etc.
Topic: Mersea chronology (AD 445-661) - England
Replies: 2
Views: 37443

Re: Mersea chronology (AD 445-661) - England

Hi Lars-Ake,

Many thanks for the editing!

Names, names!!
(...) one of them put it: our research on how a correct bridging should be done "is not meaningful".
Who is he/she? ... no, I'm joking!

by ale
11 Jan 2012, 10:23
Forum: Dendrochronology in general
Topic: Correlation between harvest results 1683-1780 and tree ring
Replies: 2
Views: 40802

Re: Correlation between harvest results 1683-1780 and tree r

Very interesting! Many years ago I read something (a book? A paper? It was at university…) in which a series of detailed historic annual annotations about the harvest of grapes – I think I remember it was in France - were used in order to reconstruct climate… when grapes was collected sooner or late...
by ale
11 Jan 2012, 10:02
Forum: Dating reports, measurements, rwl-files etc.
Topic: Mersea chronology (AD 445-661) - England
Replies: 2
Views: 37443

Mersea chronology (AD 445-661) - England

Hi to all and happy new year! While searching the web for roman pines chronologies (impossible!), I quickly retrieved an oak chronology from Crummy P., Hillam J., Crossan C. 1982, Mersea Island: the Anglo-Saxon causeway , in Essex Archaeology and History, 14, pp. 77-86 (
by ale
10 Aug 2010, 18:33
Forum: Dendrochronology in general
Topic: how to enhance the tree ring contrast?
Replies: 1
Views: 21794

Re: how to enhance the tree ring contrast?

Hi Andrzej, Maybe a simple bath of water could enhance somehow the contrast, but the effect lasts just a short time. Another way, although I don’t know if this works for hardwoods, could be the use of paraffin oil. Lars-Ake mentioned once this method on his site. I used it recently on coniferous and...
by ale
19 Jun 2010, 12:15
Forum: Dating reports, measurements, rwl-files etc.
Topic: CNRS Database
Replies: 6
Views: 37589

Re: CNRS Database

Hi again, Just for curiosity... there is online a paper by the people of Besançon laboratory: It’s principally focused on dendroclimatology-related aspects, but pages 244-249 are about the corridor method (already explain...
by ale
24 Dec 2009, 10:09
Forum: Dating reports, measurements, rwl-files etc.
Topic: CNRS Database
Replies: 6
Views: 37589

Re: CNRS Database

Hi to all, A couple of questions about the CNRS database files. Now that Lars Ake has implemented in CDendro (test version) a reading mechanism for this data, I can create without problem a collection from the roman time files. But if I try to create a collection from the medieval-contemporary chron...
by ale
04 Apr 2009, 21:49
Forum: Dating reports, measurements, rwl-files etc.
Topic: CNRS Database
Replies: 6
Views: 37589

Re: CNRS Database

Hi Lars-Ake, Go here: and search for “F-LCE [Laboratory]” You will find some information (unfortunately not so many, and some of which sound cryptic to me) about data formats and software they use, a list of papers of them, and the contact mail. Apparentl...
by ale
03 Apr 2009, 19:35
Forum: Dendrochronology in general
Topic: Elm dating
Replies: 5
Views: 36674

Re: Elm dating

So maybe a first attempt could pass trough oak correlations. The visual match in the paper quoted by Taxelson seems fine, although I have not yet looked to Taxelson’s interpretation. Anyway it is worth trying, and furthermore there’s plenty of oak chronologies. If you could experiment with oak and j...