What is new in CDendro & CooRecorder?

>>CooRecorder is now able to handle quite big images!<<
As a reference: On my 64 bit Windows 10 machine with 16 GB RAM memory, I can open a big image which is 84000 pixels wide and 4000 pixels high, though it then takes about six seconds to load (open) that file. After loading, the program and image updates run as fast as when handling a normal small image.

What's new in version 9.1?

Image updates were slow for big files: CooRecorder 9.0.1 was very slow on image updates when width or height were above 32767 pixels (very big image), though this worked well in version 8.1. This has been remediated in version 9.1.
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A new collection column with ”overlap” data (OVL)

The collection members list shows a CC and a TT column after you run e.g. a "Test towards ref." command. (Test towards reference) With the new version there is also a column headed by "OVL" displaying the overlap for that match.

Note that you can temporarily reorder the columns for e.g. your documentation: Just drag a column-header towards left or right.

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Create reference curve from big decadal file - Updates

  • Collections/Create reference curve from big decadal file, will now copy the collection properties to the sum-sample's properties.

  • When saving the mean value sample of a .rwl or .fh collection, the adviced filename should not imply overwriting the original .rwl or .fh collection file. The text _MEAN is now automatically added to the "prename" of the file, e.g. the collection Namdo.rwl becomes Namdo_MEAN.rwl when saved in .rwl format as a mean value curve.

CDendro: Changed files are marked with an asterisk (*) - Uncheck members

  • Like with the CDendro Windowslist, changed samples and collections are now marked with an asterix, "*", in front of their names.

  • The command Uncheck members already in target collection is now available also on a button (to the left of the "Time lines" diagram button). This is a useful command when you copy sample members between several collections.

    Usage e.g.: All samples stored in collection A. Some of them have been copied to collection B. Now you want a collection C with only those members not in B, i.e. "C = A - B" Set collection B as your target. From collection A you order "Uncheck members already in target collection". After that you copy those still checked members in A into a new empty collection (C)! When working like this, the "Invert check" button is also very useful.

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The "Members" property

When a mean value is created out of a collection also a "Members" property is created showing the first member names like:

This is useful to check when a mean has been created out of a few references (chronologies) and you are in doubt what is actually used within your current mean value reference.

Note: The length of this property is currently limited to 230 characters.

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The new "highlights" in CDendro & CooRecorder 9.0?

Of course many small enhancements have a great value together. But these are the "new things" which I think are most important:
  • project path handling in CooRecorder which allows for separate backup of image files and .pos files. Thus the frequently added new small .pos files can now be easily backed up separately (without special backup software).
  • The path handling in CooRecorder also allows for the CDendro command "Find the .pos file of this collection member and open it!" link
  • The "Corr to target members" matrix was a heavily desired tool during a crossdating project we run last summer with more than 500 samples originating from a wide area of north-western Europe. Samples could indeed be crossdated but often towards several curves and we wanted a way to easily document our findings. Hopefully the new "Corr to target members" matrix will help to give an overview of results for cases like this. The matrix might also be useful for documentation of only a few samples from a single site.link
  • The CooRecorder mechanism for "Looking through the .pos files of your project" can be useful to get quick access to measurements and samples during a demonstration or when overviewing the measurements done on a project. link
Lars-Åke Larsson

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